The 3DOM shop now automatically calculates shipping for you as you shop! Items in your basket are grouped and sorted automatically and a shipping estimate is provided right there in the shopping basket! You will need to give the system some idea where to ship the items.
While we have had Australian shipping for some time we are also now doing all international shipping automatically as well.
If there are shipping options for your address then you will be able to choose the one that suits your preferences.
When you proceed to the checkout page and you can get a more accurate shipping price calculation by adding the full address details.
We hope this makes your experiencing ordering from us much easier.
If there are any issues or the item you need has options or changes required that are not listed as a selectable priced items in the shop, then simply reach out to us with details of what you need and we can get you a custom quote.
I am a big believer in timely feedback and communication. Particularly as a client or customer it is important so that the people providing you with services, and other stuff, have the opportunity to change things for the better. In my opinion that is the point, to be able to make things better for me, and for everyone else too. So routinely provide feedback to people when I think it adds value, that includes praise as well as constructive criticism.
If you don’t speak up and share, how can you expect any change.
I have recently been making a few posts on the Autodesk Ideas forums, mostly around the BIM 360 tools, or Autodesk Construction Cloud. To day I posted this around simply making the file editing 100% secure for a collaborative workplace, which should want nothing less.
If you didn’t know these forums are a way for customers to provide feedback to Autodesk. Several of the ideas posted in these forums make it into the tools and services. If you sign in, you can not only post your own idea, but vote on those posted by others. Posts that get the most votes get the most attention.
Of course not ever Idea will make it in even if it is the top voted. There is a lot that needs to be considered before any code can even be considered. But if you don’t speak up, how can you expect any change. So get in there and vote and speak up with your ideas. Feel free to “@” me in the comments, I’ll do my best to review your ideas and vote as well (assuming I agree with you).
If you would like to see all of my posted ideas and comments, check out this link.
What is the most effective way to request a new feature or product enhancement for any BIM 360 service. BIM 360 services include: BIM 360 Field, BIM 360 Glue, BIM 360 Docs, BIM 360 Plan, BIM 360 Team, BIM 360 Design, BIM 360 Build and BIM 360 Account Admin.
Several other Autodesk products have forums as well as Idea forums. To see these navigate to the link below to see all the available forums.
Find answers, share expertise, and connect with your peers.
To find the Ideas forum select your product and in the sub site, if there is an Ideas forum you will see it as an option. Like this in the AutoCAD Electrical forum. If you don’t see that, then your best bet is to post in the general forum and drive some conversation.
This is really cool! It’s also a great example of simple and functional API integration. I have been meaning to add Octoprint and Web camera monitoring to my #prusa Mk3S for some time, but never have got around to it. Maybe this will give me the push I need. thanks for sharing Peter Rogers. #3DOMengineering
Exciting update! #Fusion360 connected with #Octoprint now to better help support #3dprinting users in making sure they are working effectively! Check out this…
This tutorial shows you how to install and configure the OctoPrint Add-In for Fusion 360. The Add-In allows you to transfer and monitor your 3d prints directly from the Fusion 360 Manufacturing environment. Octoprint is an open-source 3d printing controller application that allows you to send and queue jobs for your 3d printer.
I “borrowed” this from an #AU2020 class from Luke Mihelcic highlighting the differences between the Manufacturing design solutions from #autodesk. A good class if your not sure which tool to use. It also highlights, that while Fusion 360 is not as advanced as #Inventor, give it another 13 years and lets see where it is then, and it has advantages over the others as well and they compliment each other. #3domengineering#fusion360#AutoCAD
Autodesk University 2020 (#AU2020) a first Virtual AU conference for Autodesk ran last week delivering Classes, live Q&As, meetups, and more to everyone around the world in an amazing format making it a truly global conference and drawing over 99,000 registrations. What you may not know is that over the years there have been increasingly more classes being recorded and the recordings being made available for public consumption for years following the actual conference. It was common to be able to get the presentation and the handouts for most classes, but not always the recording.
In 2020, #AU2020 went 100% virtual, with as much of the in person feel as possible. There were Keynotes, and product presentations with plans and roadmaps as well as (as always) some reveals about acquisitions and partnering with organisations for joint success and customer benefit. But the added bonus here is that the virtual format means that 100% of content is recorded and online for user consumption. Oh yeah, and of course I can’t forget to mention it was made free to register!
If you haven’t accessed the AU pages before and you use Autodesk products, there is no better way to get industry leading guidance and training and it has never been more accessible than it is this year.
If you missed the chance to attend a live session like a class Q&A, you can still catch them, on demand. There is a catch however. If you didn’t register to attend the conference, you “may” not be able to access some of the live session recordings. I tried to access my class with an alias and it didn’t seem to work, but looked like it should. If it works for you let me know so I can update this article.
If you did register than you will have no problem access all the content. . . . at least that is until December 21st 2020. That is the last day you will be able to access the Live Q&A session recordings. So put a time in your calendar to do get them done in the next 25 days.
For now at least you can still ask questions of the class presenters in the comments section of the class page. If you liked the content don’t forget the ‘Recommended’ or like button as well.
If you’d like to catch my session “Nothing but Net: Meet the Next-Generation AutoCAD Plant 3D Collaboration with BIM 360 Docs” try this link to take you right there.
I was elated this morning to receive a notice that I had passed “Autodesk Certified Expert in Generative Design for Manufacturing” certification. It is great when we can be recognised when our professional and personal development goals are achieved.
David was already an “Autodesk AutoCAD Certified User”, from an assessment he was able to do at Autodesk University back in 2015. Adding Generative Design expert to the certifications is a great achievement.
This highlights another of the skills and experiences that 3DOM Engineering can bring to the table for our customers.
If you would like to investigate generative design in your workplace, or would like some coaching assistance, reach out to me.
After adding the maximum allowable spring lift, I realized how high the seat was in Goliath, the name of my FJ55 Land Cruiser. I also realized about this time that the driver never had a roof handle. Thanks very much Toyota! I’m sure they had their reasons.
As part of my ongoing project to model all plastic parts in Goliath, the next job was obviously to replicate the existing three roof handles to print a drivers roof handle.
I checked that all three are identical, done. then took one off for modelling. I did need to made a few small updates to suit 3D (FFF) printing but I’m pretty happy with the result.
This is a redner of my Fusion 360 designed, roof handle for my FJ55 Land Cruiser.
I printed this in Filamentum TPU Flex 98A. Looks great and the colour is a good match for the original handles. It also feels great in the hand when being used, and gives a little (flexes) if you wack your head on it.
After my first print, I had to do a little clean up post printing due mostly to some minimal but unavoidable overhangs. I have ideas how to minimize this in the future but it will do for now.
To clean the prints, I used side shears and a small file to clean up the external surfaces. For the hidden edges in the screw recess, I used a hot know to weld the loose bridge strands back into place.
With that done and a confirmed screw cover fit, I was ready to grab the pre-purchased M6x20 screws and installed it in the car.
As a final check now that it is in the vehicle, I lifted myself with it, to confirm its strength. If it stands up to my weight, it’ll work for most anyone.
It looks great, feels great and above all that, it works well.
Now I just need to remember that it is there now and use it.
I know now that I can replace any that get broken handles, or even to temporarily replace the handles to prevent the original ones getting damaged.
I’m looking forward to see how it holds up to use and abuse by a heavy person like me.
If you are interested in your own FJ55 handle reach out to us, or you can order it as is from the projects pages.
Have you ever been concerned about air pollution and what your breathing when your printing? I have. This #3dprintingnerd video is a good demonstration of the practical use of filters and the affect that the air pollution can have on you.
3D Printing ABS WITHOUT the STINK? Go to you can sign up for free. And also, the first 200 people will get 20% off their annual premium membership. Printed Solid Prusa Enclosure: Bofa Air Filters at Printed Solid Prusa i3 mk3 3D Printer IC3D 1.75mm ABS Phone Holder by xanoy on Hey I’m on Twitch!
If you’d liek to read more on the this topic here are a couple of articles for reference. Characterization of volatile organic compound emissions from consumer level material extrusion 3D printers